a d.i.v.a must

a d.i.v.a must
to be d.i.v.a is to know who you are with confidence.."I AM...."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Self Love!!!

Hiding Behind The Mask
Every one is wearing a mask, a mask to cover emotions, and a mask to hide true feelings, How long are we gonna wear that mask? How long are we gonna hide our true selves?
Self Doubt= that which was created in your mind by jealous and hateful people who see something beautiful and amazing in you; resulting in them trying by any means necessary to bring you down
Don't rely on other people to assure you of worthiness instead embrace yourself with...

Self Love
I love myself and accept who I am, as I am, It is not my ego that I love, it is what  is divine in me, the purity of being, I take the time to care for myself and to enjoy life. To do this I stop searching for the internal things that create only an  illusion of filling my emptiness

We all fall short of perfection... learn to love yourself as you love others and do unto self as you do unto others...
 Total Acceptance
 Diva's we can never love another before we love ourselves find a sense of inner peace and a strong sense of self, which no one can take away from you!!! Until Next Time!!! Have a Gr8 Day!!! Love, Laugh, Live!!!

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