a d.i.v.a must

a d.i.v.a must
to be d.i.v.a is to know who you are with confidence.."I AM...."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cleaning Out The Closet....

There is no greater agony than the untold story inside of you... (Maya Angelou)
Through out life a lot goes untold... could it be for someone later to unfold???

Buried it deep within... hoping never to be brought up again...

So powerful, so real, so true... once uncovered; the hurt, the pain the agony who knew???

Never would of imagined the damage it caused... holding it in just put it on pause...

Until the day you hit rewind ... and discover you've been carrying this for a very long time...

No longer will this weigh me down... releasing the BONDAGE the time is NOW!!!

Most of whats in the closet is put there during childhood and carries over until becoming an adult.... Clear it out and Free yourself!!! It's time for a fresh new mind and a fresh new life!!!
Diva's  I feel like everyone in one way or another could relate... we all have an untold story that keeps us bound... Release it and Become FREE!!!!
Until Next Time... Enjoy This Lovely Lovely Day!! Love, Laugh, Live!!!

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