a d.i.v.a must

a d.i.v.a must
to be d.i.v.a is to know who you are with confidence.."I AM...."

Friday, January 21, 2011

Carrying the Knives...

Your enemy stabs you in the front, your friend stabs you in the back, your girl/boy friend stabs you in the heart and you... YOU CARRY THE KNIVES!!!
Backstabbers = one who gives you a hug and tells you how wonderful you are, but will talk trash behind your back, one who smiles in your face while all the time the want to take your place "Backstabbers"... They exist everywhere you go, and there is no way to avoid them!!!  but do believe that
Betrayal causes headaches, heartaches, and grief... You definitely have to move on with your life, which means you have to forgive the backstabber eventually, and one day you're gonna look back at the experience and learn an important lesson in life.... 

Diva's lets not be frenemies by betraying and or backstabbing ; don't walk in front, don't walk behind, instead; walk beside and be a friend!!!!!
 Until Next Time !!! Have A Lovely D.I.V.A. Weekend!!! Love, Laugh, Live!!!

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