a d.i.v.a must

a d.i.v.a must
to be d.i.v.a is to know who you are with confidence.."I AM...."

Friday, January 28, 2011

You need to know what others think of you... When the clearist view is on how you see yourself???

Exploring the D.I.V.A. Within...
Each of us has the right and the possibility to invent ourselves daily, If a person does not invent herself she will be invented.. (Maya Angelou)  The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you... it is when you don't understand yourself...
Existing to fulfill ideas of who others think you should be... you will never know who you are...

Only you can define how you will live a good life!!!
Diva's Heal the past, Live the present, and Dream the future... Life is to short to be anything but happy so make is SWEET!!! Until Next Time!!! Have a Gr8 Weekend!!! Love, Laugh, Live!! 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Carrying the Knives...

Your enemy stabs you in the front, your friend stabs you in the back, your girl/boy friend stabs you in the heart and you... YOU CARRY THE KNIVES!!!
Backstabbers = one who gives you a hug and tells you how wonderful you are, but will talk trash behind your back, one who smiles in your face while all the time the want to take your place "Backstabbers"... They exist everywhere you go, and there is no way to avoid them!!!  but do believe that
Betrayal causes headaches, heartaches, and grief... You definitely have to move on with your life, which means you have to forgive the backstabber eventually, and one day you're gonna look back at the experience and learn an important lesson in life.... 

Diva's lets not be frenemies by betraying and or backstabbing ; don't walk in front, don't walk behind, instead; walk beside and be a friend!!!!!
 Until Next Time !!! Have A Lovely D.I.V.A. Weekend!!! Love, Laugh, Live!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Self Love!!!

Hiding Behind The Mask
Every one is wearing a mask, a mask to cover emotions, and a mask to hide true feelings, How long are we gonna wear that mask? How long are we gonna hide our true selves?
Self Doubt= that which was created in your mind by jealous and hateful people who see something beautiful and amazing in you; resulting in them trying by any means necessary to bring you down
Don't rely on other people to assure you of worthiness instead embrace yourself with...

Self Love
I love myself and accept who I am, as I am, It is not my ego that I love, it is what  is divine in me, the purity of being, I take the time to care for myself and to enjoy life. To do this I stop searching for the internal things that create only an  illusion of filling my emptiness

We all fall short of perfection... learn to love yourself as you love others and do unto self as you do unto others...
 Total Acceptance
 Diva's we can never love another before we love ourselves find a sense of inner peace and a strong sense of self, which no one can take away from you!!! Until Next Time!!! Have a Gr8 Day!!! Love, Laugh, Live!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cleaning Out The Closet....

There is no greater agony than the untold story inside of you... (Maya Angelou)
Through out life a lot goes untold... could it be for someone later to unfold???

Buried it deep within... hoping never to be brought up again...

So powerful, so real, so true... once uncovered; the hurt, the pain the agony who knew???

Never would of imagined the damage it caused... holding it in just put it on pause...

Until the day you hit rewind ... and discover you've been carrying this for a very long time...

No longer will this weigh me down... releasing the BONDAGE the time is NOW!!!

Most of whats in the closet is put there during childhood and carries over until becoming an adult.... Clear it out and Free yourself!!! It's time for a fresh new mind and a fresh new life!!!
Diva's  I feel like everyone in one way or another could relate... we all have an untold story that keeps us bound... Release it and Become FREE!!!!
Until Next Time... Enjoy This Lovely Lovely Day!! Love, Laugh, Live!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year!!! Time to clean out the closet, secrets and all…get rid of the old and bring in the New!!!

This Year's Plan is to:
Be more wiser, and kinder too, to be brave, and have a heart that's true,
having faith stronger than before, and being joyful a whole lot more
willing to give a helping hand, despite the problems and still understand
accepting what life brings, and seeing the beauty in the simple things,
also letting go of fear, Divas this is the plan for this wonderful year. 
Hours of happiness with loved ones
An abundance of time for relaxation
Prosperity and
Peace for
Years to come

No worries and know that you will have
Everything you need 
With plenty of love and light plus

Years and years of good health
Enjoyment and peace with 
Angels watching over you, always
Remember to be the BEST you!!!!

Diva's Wishing you all the best and be Blessed in 2011!!!

Enjoy This Lovely Lovely Day!! Until Next Time...
Love, Laugh, Live!!!!