a d.i.v.a must

a d.i.v.a must
to be d.i.v.a is to know who you are with confidence.."I AM...."

Monday, November 21, 2011

Adding Value...

Value = A thing that is of great worth, having desirable or esteemed characteristics or qualities

Are you contributing in a meaningful way

In all facets of life... leadership, friendships, relationships, while connecting and meeting with new people and with family; adding value to others in an authentic, genuine way, a way that has no ulterior motive is important otherwise you are dead weight... How can you add value?? 
Listen, and
Love  by not looking for direct reward, but trusting that the process itself will provide.

Diva's if you are not adding value to someones life then you are not needed and if someone isn't  adding value to your life then you don't need them... Get rid of the dead weight!!!
Until Next time.... Love, Laugh, Live!!!


  1. Very true, many times we like to hold on to people long past their expiration date.

  2. I have learned to let go... this has been my to live by for sometime now... If you can't add to my life then I don't need you... I do better by myself!!! Thanks for your comment!
