a d.i.v.a must

a d.i.v.a must
to be d.i.v.a is to know who you are with confidence.."I AM...."

Friday, May 27, 2011

Where to Find Happiness


All humanity is on a pursuit to happiness, yet in spite of many heartbreaks, disappointments, and years of suffering only few manage to discover it... 
 "If I had... or When I get..." fill in the blank with whatever the desire is... and  we search endlessly for it in people, places, and things on the outside... when happiness has been and always will be within yourself...
Diva's beyond all sorrow, pain, and suffering... is a GREAT discovery; an inexpressible joy it's called HAPPINESS!!!
Until Next Time...
Love, Laugh, Live!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mother...

 Cherryl J.B.G.Wilson 1/26/50-12/8/99
There will never be another like her
her smile, her sent, I wish that I could hug her...
So early in my life God called you home
thank you for the times we shared, although it wasn't very long...
Love, sacrifices, discipline, and your patience with me
molded my character and prepared me for the woman and mother to be...
There is nothing to compare to the love of my mother
sincere and unconditional, never to be replaced by another...

Diva's Wishing You All A Very Blessed and Happy Mother's Day!!! Enjoy!! 
Until Next Time... Love, Laugh, Live!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Only A Mother..,

Can Manage...

It's enough balancing the demands of normal everyday life....
the nurturer, the chauffeur, the doctor, the cook, the maid, the one you can always call, THE MOTHER....THE ONE WHO DOES IT ALL!!!
Diva's we are still honoring mothers until Mother's Day!!!
Until Next Time... Love, Laugh, Live!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Mother's Love...

Is So Strong...
A mother's love is meant to be
nothing can take her place
there is no one like she

knee scrapes, appointments, disappointing phone calls
a mother's love cant be compared to nothing at all

she'll have your back when no one else will
not wanting you to hurt because your pain she can feel

this list of what mom would do for you could go on and on
nothing is so constant than a mother's love so strong
Diva's we will be honoring mothers every day until Mother's Day!
Until Next Time... Love, Laugh, Live!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Mother's Work...

Is Never Done...
Clothed with Strength and Dignity:  A mother is one of sacrifices, she wakes when it is still dark, watches over the affairs of the household, and  provides food for her family (proverbs:15,27)... insults, attitudes, hurts, dreams, feelings, talents, failures, success, hopes, and defeats,  a mother is constantly encouraging the faithless, and  fixing the brokenness, Strength is definitely  needed cause a mothers work is never done...
Diva's we will be honoring mothers everyday until Mother's Day!
Until Next Time... Love, Laugh, Live!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Mother Is The First Teacher....

Her Influence Molds Her Children's Character...
Blessed with the excellence of knowledge...she speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue
To discipline (to teach) a child produces wisdom. (Proverbs 31:26, 29:15)
Diva's we will be honoring mothers everyday until Mother's Day
Until next time... Love, Laugh, Live!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


More Than a Woman...
Characterized by her great value....Her Children Call Her Blessed!!...
Diva's we will be honoring mothers everyday until Mother's Day!!.... 
Until Next Time.... Love, Laugh, Live