a d.i.v.a must

a d.i.v.a must
to be d.i.v.a is to know who you are with confidence.."I AM...."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Woman of Purpose...

Examining your relationship with yourself
Most of us go through life everyday trying to please and make everyone happy, while never taking the time to please and make ourselves happy....
There is a guarantee that there will always be the questions WHY? and WHATS the purpose? but there is no guarantee that there will always be an answer...  
Diva's there is no avoiding the challenges we face, LIFE is about finding your self but once you find yourself you have to create your LIFE  From Brokenness to Wholeness, from Chaos to Peace, from Pain to Purpose D.ivine I.ndividual. V.irtuous. A.ttitude...
Until Next Time.... Love, Laugh, Live!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Laughter is therapy for the soul...

April 1st 2011 LOL! LMBO! ROTFL!

I Pitty the FOOL's! who do not have a HAPPY DAY!!!
April Fool Day = a celebration of spring, a celebration of the new year (before the change in the calendar), a day of practical jokes and laughter!!!
Diva's today is April Fools day one that is observed to be silly, have a good laugh, and be happy... Today the world says its okay... Tomorrow make it a part of your day!!! Laughter is the best medicine...

 Until Next Time Happy Love, Laugh, Live!!!